Creates a standardized collection of prior, likelihood and posterior functions, including error checks etc.

createBayesianSetup(likelihood, prior = NULL, priorSampler = NULL,
  parallel = FALSE, lower = NULL, upper = NULL, best = NULL,
  names = NULL, parallelOptions = list(variables = "all", packages = "all",
  dlls = NULL), catchDuplicates = FALSE)



log likelihood density function


either a prior class (see createPrior) or a log prior density


if a prior density (and not a prior class) is provided to prior, the optional prior sampling function can be provided here


parallelization option. Default is F. Other options are T, or "external". See details.


vector with lower prior limits


vector with upper prior limits


vector with best values


optional vector with parameter names


list containing three lists. First "packages" determines the R packages necessary to run the likelihood function. Second "variables" the objects in the global envirnment needed to run the likelihood function and third "dlls" the DLLs needed to run the likelihood function (see Details and Examples).


Logical, determines whether unique parameter combinations should only be evaluated once. Only used when the likelihood accepts a matrix with parameter as columns.


If lower and upper (and optionally best) but not a prior object are passed, the function will create an uniform prior with the limits lower and upper. If a prior object and lower and upper are passed, the function will ignore lower and upper, and will only use the prior object.

For parallelization, option T means that an automatic parallelization via R is attempted, or "external", in which case it is assumed that the likelihood is already parallelized. In this case it needs to accept a matrix with parameters as columns. Further you can specify the packages, objects and DLLs that are exported to the cluster. By default a copy of your workspace is exported. However, depending on your workspace this can be very inefficient.

For more details, make sure to read the vignette (run vignette("BayesianTools", package="BayesianTools")

See also

checkBayesianSetup createLikelihood createPrior


ll <- function(x) sum(dnorm(x, log = TRUE)) test <- createBayesianSetup(ll, prior = NULL, priorSampler = NULL, lower = -10, upper = 10) str(test)
#> List of 7 #> $ prior :List of 6 #> ..$ density :function (x) #> .. ..- attr(*, "srcref")=Class 'srcref' atomic [1:8] 59 21 63 3 21 3 59 63 #> .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "srcfile")=Classes 'srcfilecopy', 'srcfile' <environment: 0x000000002766d2b8> #> ..$ sampler :function (n = NULL) #> .. ..- attr(*, "srcref")=Class 'srcref' atomic [1:8] 68 24 76 5 24 5 68 76 #> .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "srcfile")=Classes 'srcfilecopy', 'srcfile' <environment: 0x000000002766d2b8> #> ..$ lower : num -10 #> ..$ upper : num 10 #> ..$ best : num 0 #> ..$ originalDensity:function (x) #> .. ..- attr(*, "srcref")=Class 'srcref' atomic [1:8] 101 14 104 3 14 3 101 104 #> .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "srcfile")=Classes 'srcfilecopy', 'srcfile' <environment: 0x000000002766d2b8> #> ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "prior" #> $ likelihood:List of 3 #> ..$ density:function (x, ...) #> .. ..- attr(*, "srcref")=Class 'srcref' atomic [1:8] 45 21 95 3 21 3 45 95 #> .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "srcfile")=Classes 'srcfilecopy', 'srcfile' <environment: 0x00000000255f6b60> #> ..$ sampler: NULL #> ..$ cl : NULL #> ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "likelihood" #> $ posterior :List of 1 #> ..$ density:function (x, returnAll = F) #> .. ..- attr(*, "srcref")=Class 'srcref' atomic [1:8] 9 16 41 3 16 3 9 41 #> .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "srcfile")=Classes 'srcfilecopy', 'srcfile' <environment: 0x0000000028eeb968> #> ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "posterior" #> $ names : chr "par 1" #> $ numPars : int 1 #> $ model : NULL #> $ parallel : logi FALSE #> - attr(*, "class")= chr "BayesianSetup"
#> [1] -2.995732
#> [1] -2.837877
#> [1] -1.418939
#> [1] -4.414671
test$posterior$density(1, returnAll = TRUE)
#> [1] -4.414671 -1.418939 -2.995732
test$likelihood$density(matrix(rep(1,4), nrow = 2))
#> [1] -2.837877 -2.837877
#test$posterior$density(matrix(rep(1,4), nrow = 2), returnAll = TRUE) test$likelihood$density(matrix(rep(1,4), nrow = 4))
#> [1] -1.418939 -1.418939 -1.418939 -1.418939
## Example of how to use parallelization using the VSEM model # Note that the parallelization produces overhead and is not always # speeding things up. In this example, due to the small # computational cost of the VSEM the parallelization is # most likely to reduce the speed of the sampler. # Creating reference data PAR <- VSEMcreatePAR(1:1000) refPars <- VSEMgetDefaults() refPars[12,] <- c(0.2, 0.001, 1) rownames(refPars)[12] <- "error-sd" referenceData <- VSEM(refPars$best[1:11], PAR) obs = apply(referenceData, 2, function(x) x + rnorm(length(x), sd = abs(x) * refPars$best[12])) # Selecting parameters parSel = c(1:6, 12) ## Builidng the likelihood function likelihood <- function(par, sum = TRUE){ x = refPars$best x[parSel] = par predicted <- VSEM(x[1:11], PAR) diff = c(predicted[,1:3] - obs[,1:3]) llValues = dnorm(diff, sd = max(abs(c(predicted[,1:3])),0.0001) * x[12], log = TRUE) if (sum == False) return(llValues) else return(sum(llValues)) } # Prior prior <- createUniformPrior(lower = refPars$lower[parSel], upper = refPars$upper[parSel]) #### ## Definition of the packages and objects that are exported to the cluster. # These are the objects that are used in the likelihood function. opts <- list(packages = list("BayesianTools"), variables = list("refPars", "obs", "PAR" ), dlls = NULL) # Create Bayesian Setup BSVSEM <- createBayesianSetup(likelihood, prior, best = refPars$best[parSel], names = rownames(refPars)[parSel], parallel = 2, parallelOptions = opts)
#> Error in get(name, envir = envir): object 'refPars' not found
## The bayesianSetup can now be used in the runMCMC function. # Note that not all samplers can make use of parallel # computing. # Remove the Bayesian Setup and close the cluster stopParallel(BSVSEM) rm(BSVSEM)
#> Warning: object 'BSVSEM' not found